nothing is forever, remembered that at 11:46 PM.
OH YEAH! mummy is back from HONGKONG!!!
haha... she definately did shopping for me as thou i was there!
pictures of the amt of stuff she bought in less than a wk! amazing!
yupp... clothes, bags, bottoms, jumper and many ,more!
she bought tops ranging from Armani Exchange, Dior, Esprit and more clothes tt cant be found in singapore! YEAH i love mummy! hahaha.... oh yes! she bought 4 more belts for me to add onto my collection of bout 20+/-
hmm... k has been feeling down lately... he's stuck in ns now... so sad! he went for an operation like afew wks back... yupp... hope he's recovering fast! yupp... he sounded emo-ish tt day when we talked... oh well... was planning to meet up for lunch on thurs but ive got job attachment! rahh... will post more of job attachment soon... oh well... i'll probably meet him during the weekend or smth... but then again, i gotta go over to gramps early cos of the dance thang... hopefully ming will persuade k to come along!
god bless!
stuff mummy bought in less than a wk!
damn! shopaholic-ness runs in the blood
stack 'em up! higher & higher!
adding on to my belts collection! i shld go count how many i belts i own
nothing is forever, remembered that at 10:35 PM.
went out with elaine today... met her for lunch and for bit of shopping
at far east... we both were looking for the same thing...
yupp... had an awesome time... hahaha... shopped and shopped...
i spent quite abit today... i bought...
Limited Ed Apple Bottom hiphop jumpsuit - $149
monopoly inspired t-shirt - $35.90
off shoulder top - $20
nothing is forever, remembered that at 10:49 PM.